New! Handbook of Practice & Research in Study Abroad

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Feb 19, 2009 / 1 comments

Announcing an extraordinary new resource, The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study Abroad: Higher Education and the Quest for Global Citizenship, edited by Ross Lewin.

If we are all becoming global citizens, what then are our civic responsibilities? Colleges and universities across the United States have responded to this question by making the development of global citizens part of their core mission. A key strategy for realizing this goal is study abroad. After all, there may be no better way for students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to become effective change-agents in international contexts.

The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study Abroad is a comprehensive survey of the field. Each chapter eloquently conveys an enthusiasm for study abroad alongside a critical assessment of the most up-to-date research, theory and practice. This contributed volume brings together expert academics, senior administrators, practitioners of study abroad, and policy makers from across the United States, Canada and other part of the world, who meticulously address the following questions:

*What do we mean by global citizenship and global competence?

*What are the philosophical, pedagogical and practical challenges facinginstitutions as they endeavor to create global citizens?

*How is study abroad and global citizenship compatible with the role of the

*What are the institutional challenges to study abroad, including those related to ethics, infrastructure, finances, accessibility, and quality control?

*Which study abroad programs can be called successful?

The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study Abroad is an indispensable reference volume for scholars, higher education faculty, study abroad professionals, policy makers, and the academic libraries that serve these audiences. It is also appropriate for a wide range of courses in Higher Education Master’s and Ph.D. Programs.

Introduction: The Quest for Global Citizenship through Study Abroad

Part I: Defining Global Citizenship in Study Abroad
1. Global Citizenship in Theory and Practice by Hans Schattle
2. Fostering Engagement: The Role of International Education in the Development of Global Civil Society by James Skelly
3. Global Learning and the Making of Citizen Diplomats by Rebecca Hovey and Adam Weinberg
4. International Studies and Foreign Languages: A Critical American Priority by Charles Kolb
5. Global Citizenship Education: Challenges and Possibilities by Ian Davies and Graham Pike

Part II: Aligning Global Citizenship and Study Abroad With the Mission of the Academy
6. Study Abroad and Language: From Maximal to Realistic Models by Dieter Wanner
7. Constructive Disequilibrium: Cognitive and Emotional Development through Dissonant Experiences in Less Familiar Destinations by S. Megan Che, Mindy Spearman and Agida Manizade
8. The Liberal Arts and Global Citizenship: Fostering Intercultural Engagement Through Integrative Experiences and Structured Reflection by Joseph L. Brockington and Margarete D. Wiedenhoeft
9. Study Abroad and Nursing: From Cultural to Global Competence by Connie Currier, James Lucas and Denise Saint Arnault
10. The Role of Study Abroad in Preparing Globally Responsible Teachers by
11. Democratizing Study Abroad: Challenges of Open Access, Local Commitments, and Global Competence in Community Colleges by Robert A. Frost and Rosalind Latiner Raby
12. North of 49: Global Citizenship à la canadienne by Roopa Desai-Trilokekar and Adrian Schubert
13. Global Citizenship and Study Abroad: A European Comparative Perspective by Hans de Wit
14. Strategy for Development of a Global City: Study Abroad in Singapore by Peter Pang

Part III: Institutional Challenges and Strategies to Fostering Global Citizenship Study Abroad

15. It Takes an Entire Institution: A Blueprint for the Global University by William Brustein
16. Turning our Back on the World: Study Abroad and the Purpose of Higher Education by Riall Nolan
17. Faculty Beliefs and Institutional Values: Identifying and Overcoming these Obstacles to Education Abroad Growth by Joan Elias Gore
18. Selling the World: Study Abroad Marketing and the Privatization of Global Citizenship by Talya Zemach-Bersin
19. Global Citizenship for All: Low Minority Student Participation in Study Abroad-Seeking Strategies for Success by Earl Picard, Farrah Bernardino, and Kike Ehigiator
20. Understanding the Challenges of Assessing Global Citizenship by Darla K. Deardorff
21. Here to Stay: Increasing Acceptance of Short-Term Study Abroad Programs by Lisa Chieffo and Lesa Griffiths
22. Going Global in the Sciences: A Case Study of Emory University by Phillip Wainwright, Preetha Ram, Daniel Teodorescu and Dana Tottenham
23. Undergraduate Research in Study Abroad: Scope, Meaning and Potential by Bernhard T. Streitwieser

Part IV. Innovative Global Citizenship Study Abroad Program Models
24. Georgia Tech's Comprehensive and Integrated Approach to Developing Global Competence by Howard Rollins
25. Holistic Student Learning and Development Abroad: The IES 3-D Program Model by Joan Gillespie, Larry Braskamp, Mary Dwyer
26. It Takes A Curriculum: Bringing Global Mindedness Back Home by Kevin Hovland, Caryn McTighe Musil, Ellen Skilton-Sylvester and Amy Jamison
27. Educating Globally Competent Citizens through International Service Learning by William M. Plater, Steven G. Jones, Robert G. Bringle and Patti H. Clayton
28. Creating Deep Partnerships with Institutions Abroad: Bard College as Global Citizen by Susan Gillespie, with Jonathan Becker, Bryan Billings, Sergey Bogdanov, Christina Davis, Fazela Haniff, Ayesha Kajee, Thomas Keenan, Nikolay Koposov, Tawana Kupe and Valery Monakhov
29.Creating Study Abroad Opportunities for First Generation College Students by Maria D. Martinez, Bidya Ranjeet and Helen A. Marx
30. It's Not About You: The UConn Social Entrepreneur Corps Global Commonwealth Study Abroad Model by Ross Lewin and Greg Van Kirk


Publication Date: May, 2009
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Comments (1)

  • Kerry Dexter

    16 years 3 weeks ago

    sounds like a fine resource, looking at the idea of study abroad through a range of need perspectives. thanks for the fine review, Jessie.

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