5 Great Winter Golf Vacation Spots in the USA

by Dana Buttenhoff /
Dana Buttenhoff's picture
Dec 01, 2008 / 1 comments

As December approaches and visions of sugarplums dance in the heads of many golfers here in North America, soon the thought of a winter golf vacation may also appear. The advice I have is to plan early. Some vacation planning experts would consider planning a year in advance, depending on the number of golfers in your group.

Joel Carillet's picture

Hidden Treasures: A Pregnant Plea in Nicaragua

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Intercultural Education Resource: If the World Were a Village

Learning about the world is one of the most critical activities we can do, for a plethora of reasons: to understand other cultures, to learn about each other, to plan trips, and to explore our world, among others. I have found THE COOLEST book, entitled If the World Were a Village, by David Smith.

Win a Copy of Frommer's Fiji

by Ed Forteau /
Ed Forteau's picture
Nov 25, 2008 / 0 comments



Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Book Review of the Week: Frommer's Fiji

As a Special Bonus, Frommer's has graciously donated a copy of Fiji, 1st Edition, to be awarded to a randomly drawn commenter on this article. Post your comments - you might win!  


Top 3 Myths about Traveling Solo

by ARoadRetraveled /
ARoadRetraveled's picture
Nov 25, 2008 / 0 comments

Context Travel Launches Tours

by Asako Maruoka /
Asako Maruoka's picture
Nov 24, 2008 / 0 comments




Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Talking Turkey

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

A Road Retraveled

We find the coolest people as we work on this site - from all sorts of places - listservs, magazines, blogs, and twitter.  One of my very favorite new friends is our Road Retraveled Editor here on Wandering Educators, Simone di Santi. We met on twitter and have been exchanging emails ever since. I am so impressed with Simone's site, A Road Retraveled.

musical holiday gift ideas

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Nov 22, 2008 / 1 comments

Making your list, checking it twice -- whether that’s for Christmas, Kwanzaa, Chanukah, Solstice, or a host and hostess gift for the many gatherings of this season, music is always a good gift, one


