Wandering Educators now One Year Old!

by judecowell /
judecowell's picture
Apr 21, 2009 / 5 comments

On the happy occasion of Wandering Educators' First Anniversary today I want to say, Happy Birthday to Jessie and everyone who makes this site a pleasant and enlightening experience!

Not many travels under my belt since my last entry but I did spend a few days in Raleigh, NC with my son and new daughter-in-law. We ate some marvelous Indian food (but don't ask me to name any of the delicious dishes - but those crepes with cilantro mmm!), then went to see 'Slumdog Millionaire' which we greatly enjoyed. It's a very engrossing movie with a 'victorious' ending!

For Easter I visited near Kennesaw, GA with my daughter, son-in-law, and 3-year-old Violet at their new home, a lovely house in a very large neighborhood. All the streets have the same name with 'Trail'- 'Lane' -'Bend' - 'Circle' etc. added...funny!

Violet enjoyed her first Easter Egg Hunt in her new backyard which (as you may imagine especially if you love kids) was lots of fun. Egg-coloring had filled the morning time, then Dad hopped about hiding the eggs while we were otherwise employed.

Here's our little Violet now - photo by her Mom, scan by me:


As I drove toward their neighborhood - never having been in the area before  - I passed by Kennesaw Mountain where a famous Civil War battle took place between Generals Sherman and Johnston on June 27, 1864.

Here's the Wiki article for history buffs or for the the merely curious:


Years ago in my Art School days on Peachtree Street, I'd always meant to visit the historical museum there. Now with family 'in the area' perhaps I'll fulfill that dream before long!

I do love history and find that my work with Astrology fluffs out pictures from the past quite well. In fact, a map of the heavens at a particular moment in time can turn the As Above, So Below concept of Astrology into an open book from the past for those who wish to read it and gain a fuller story.

The third journey I've taken has to be my return to Twitter.

After joining the site last year I hadn't really used it until a few days ago and I must say, it is addictive! Must watch that since blogging and answering emails take up so much 'real time' as it is, agreed?

So do look for me on Twitter and give a Wandering Educators' shout-out to 'judecowell' if you wish.

Well, I'm off to keep appintments in the city, so once again, Jessie and friends - keep up the excellent work and I'll return later to see what you're up to!

Jude 4.20.09  12:26 pm edt

Comments (5)

  • Dr. Jessie Voigts

    15 years 11 months ago

    thanks so much, jude - we so enjoyed having you as our artist of the month, and just love reading your activities. 


    Jessie Voigts, PhD

    Publisher, wanderingeducators.com

  • judecowell

    15 years 10 months ago

    Thank you for inviting me here and featuring my artwork, Jessie. Though i don't travel as much as i'd like, i do like to share any tidbits of information that i come across! jude

  • Dr. Jessie Voigts

    15 years 10 months ago

    jude - we've missed you! and your art, of course. thanks for the lovely ARTicle. 


    Jessie Voigts, PhD

    Publisher, wanderingeducators.com

  • monacake

    15 years 11 months ago

    so this is where i have to come to keep up with your doings! and now i know that a lesson in indian cuisine is in your future. i'll even cook for you!

  • judecowell

    15 years 10 months ago

    Oh dear! i thought i spied a shadow over my virtual shoulder as i posted a 2nd blog entry here. Guess the jig is up...

    You okay?  jc

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