Daily Decadence: The Art of Sensual Living

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Dec 08, 2012 / 0 comments

Are you in need of some decadence in your life? After reading this book, I think everyone is! Sherri Dobay is the author of Daily Decadence: The Art of Sensual Living, a wonderful guide to living well, wherever you are.


Dobay is multifaceted - a writer, traveler, artist, winemaker, designer, and more. While she chronicles the joys of travel, living well, and enjoying life (something we can all relate to) in this memoir-type book drawn from her journals, she also fills the pages with wonderful, inspiring recipes.  Dobay notes, "It's time to add some tiny treat, some little luxury, some small something special - into each day of your own amazing life. Don't save up for an annual opportunity to take care of yourself; it may be too late. You deserve decadence every day - and in these pages I hope you find real ways to invite it in."


Daily Decadence: The Art of Sensual Living


I love the memoir, the occasions that Dobay shares with her readers. But I love even more the recipes - the ultimate Caesar salad, spaghetti with garlic and olive oil, beef stew, blackberry crisp, apple tart, lemon pasta, tomato soup, Russian tea cakes, cassoulet, deviled eggs - everything is at once familiar, with a twist of loveliness added in. For that is Dobay's secret power - to notice how wonderful life is, and to share it with us.


We caught up with Dobay, and asked about her book, writing inspiration, slowing down, and more. Here's what she had to say...


Please tell us about your book, Daily Decadence: The Art of Sensual Living...

The book is a collection of stories, literary recipes and (some very unconventional) wine tasting notes all pulled from my journals chronicling this crazy wine country life I live and more. 


A little background... in a nutshell, I have a couple of different things going on check out about.me/sherridobay for a taste of it all. I own a design firm dobaydesign.com, have a wine company rubykurant.com, am a fine artist dobayart.com (my wine features my art on the labels) and now the book daily-decadence.com. I just married Mark Carter of cartercellars.com in September, and his wine is now really taking off with a recent 100 point score and another of his wines featured on the Nov cover of Wine Spectator mag.


What inspires your writing?

I am inspired by everything around me! Noticing the details in everyday allows us to really see beauty in the simple things in life, like a clear blue sky or the way the rain runs down the windows. Nature is my true inspiration, and when I need a refreshing dose of cleansing I go outside, even for a moment. Being grateful for the abundance in our lives is also the key to staying in the moment and finding inspiration there. Also, making real time for those in our lives, sharing a glass or a meal, or just a sunset. Connection.


Why is the wine country so attractive to so many people - and what's it like to live there?

Wine country is amazing because it is full of happy people. We all seem to share a laid back way of life and we know how to enjoy it. As winemaking is ruled by the seasons and nature this also contributes to a sense of slowness and peace. The need to walk the vines, taste the wines, share the life are all so relaxing. I grew up in the country in the midwest, and this is like being back on the farm again. Also, a high regard for simple ingredients and great food to compliment the wines is a common thread among our friends and peers which all add to just a wonderful connection to the garden and cooking with each other.


How can readers truly slow down and implement decadence in their lives?

Tame the frenzy. We live in a hyper-stressed world where too much work and not enough play drive our every move. Slowing down and simplifying life is a more healthy way to enjoy ourselves. We may make less money, but we will add years to our lives by really living instead of worrying constantly about things that don't really matter. When we slow down we also can better connect with those we love and our quality of life improves.


Your recipes are amazing! Why is paying attention to cooking (and eating) so important in this busy world?

Cooking is so relaxing to me. Very creative as well, from finding ingredients to putting dishes together and sharing them with my friends. I love to cook, but I don't slave away in the kitchen all day, every day. My favorite thing to do is put dishes together that roast or simmer for hours on the stove, so there is some work at the beginning, and then you just get to enjoy the smells of everything coming together all day. I work from home so this is easy for me, but you can do a lot in a slow cooker if you get creative! Simple and still delicious and very little work at all. Cooking with whole ingredients is important and makes the best dishes! Anyone can follow a recipe!


Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?

Life is short, love it with all that you are. The most important thing is today, right now, and if you stop and look around you, you will see exactly why.


Thanks so much, Sherri! We love your book!


For more information, please see: http://www.daily-decadence.com/



Note: We received a review copy of this book from the publisher - thank you!






