The Edventure Project: Education & Adventure

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Aug 11, 2012 / 0 comments

I'm so pleased to share one of my VERY favorite resources online for worldschooling and inspiration - the Edventure Project: Combining education with adventure. The Edventure Project is a family collaboration, with the Miller family (including two kids in our Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program - hi Hannah & Gabe!). And, it's an extraordinary site, detailing their global travels - and learning adventures. It's about thoughtful travel, and being good global citizens.


For the Millers, travel is truly a way of living and learning about the world. Jenn (mom to the Miller kids) is our Uncommon Education Editor, and is known all over the world as both an expert on education and a gypsy mama, traveling all over the globe (Southeast Asia now) and truly worldschooling with her family. Her articles are part learning and part travel genius (facts & details you'd want to know, if you were there)  - and pure inspiration.


We caught up with Jenn to learn more about long-term familiy travel, the Edventure Project, and more...


Please tell us about the Edventure Project...

The Edventure Project is the combination of Education and Adventure that is our family's approach to lifestyle travel. We've always traveled a lot, but in 2008 we sold our house and most of our possessions and hit the road on our bicycles. We planned to cycle Europe & N. Africa for a year and then go back to our "real" lives. Somewhere in there our gap year became our life and we kept going. We're now well into our fifth year of full-time travel and have seen parts of four continents and 19 countries. We share the stories and what we're learning through our website, which is aimed largely at people who don't travel, and home schoolers who use our travels as a geography project.


Edventure Project - Tunisia

Edventure Project - Tunisia



What led to your global family journey?

I traveled a lot of as a child. We married young and traveled quite a bit when our children were babies, but we always knew that we'd do something "big" when they got older. We've been working towards this end for quite a few years. The two years that I traveled as a child were the very best of my educational experience and we knew that we wanted to give our children similar experiences. In 2006 we set a date and spent the two years between working hard towards the goal of cutting loose, saving money, making plans, learning what we needed to learn to make it happen, and getting ourselves out on the road.


Edventure Project - biking Europe

Edventure Project - biking Europe



How do you make a living on the road?

My husband does database development and design for big companies and he does iOS and Android programming for smaller ones. That is what pays our bills. He can work from just about anywhere. I am a freelance writer for the homeschool and travel markets and I have been working in educational consulting and curriculum design within the alternative education market for a dozen or so years.


Edventure Project - Vietnam

Edventure Project - Vietnam



Travel style - do you prefer to have a home base for a while, or go where your interests lead you? How did you gain this perspective of need for stability vs exploring?

We do a bit of both. The first year we pushed forward pretty hard, on bicycles - and we discovered, about nine months in, that we were really, really tired. Since then we've gravitated towards renting homes in places we want to be and using those as a "base" while we take lots of side trips and road trips in a region. Right now we're renting a house in Thailand for six months and exploring Southeast Asia from there. It allows us to balance work and travel with our educational goals for the children and continue to learn and explore as we go.


Edventure Project - Laos

Edventure Project - Laos



What are your kids' favorite parts of living and exploring the world like this?

They love the adventurous things we get to do: cliff jumping, kite surfing, SCUBA diving, hiking, riding elephants and camels. They also love the food and the cultural differences. Meeting people and making new friends is the best part for all of us. They love it when we've got 12 hours on a bus with strangers as they've learned to use that time to ask questions, tell stories and get to know new people. Some of their best friends in the world have come out of their travels.


Edventure Project - Thailand

Edventure Project - Thailand



What's up next for you?

That's a great question! From Southeast Asia we hope to slowly move south towards Australia and New Zealand and then maybe work our way "home" through South America in a couple of years. We'll see. The general "next" will be building a house on an island in Canada to use as our home base.


Edventure Project - Vietnam

Edventure Project - Vietnam



Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?

If you have a dream, do it, and take your kids! Life is too short to waste on the things that don't matter and our kids evaporate before our eyes.


Edventure Project - Jenn and Hannah

Edventure Project - Jenn and Hannah



Read these extraordinary adventures yourself - head to



All photos courtesy and copyright Edventure Proejct








