Travel Alone and Love It! A free ebook.

by Janice Waugh /
Janice Waugh's picture
Oct 21, 2009 / 1 comments

In August I tested the waters. “Would anyone like to collaborate on a free eBook of solo travel stories?,” I asked.

I raised this question on Solo Traveler, the Solo Travel Society on Facebook
and on Twitter. The response was fabulous. In addition to all the
people who showed their enthusiasim for reading the stories, there were
ten wonderful individuals who actually contributed theirs. It was
a real pleasure reading them and compiling the stories and photos into
an eBook.

So here's what's inside...

A Woman in Black Dancing by Tre Witkowski Tre Lost, Twitter:@trelost

Egypt. April 1983. by Connie Vasquez, Vintage Awesome Twitter: @LaConsuelo

Divorce is Just  the Beginning by Evelyn Hannon, Journeywoman Twitter: @journeywoman

Searching for  Mr. Darcy by Julie Langelier

Lost in a  Mozambique Minefield by Leyla Giray, Women on the Road Twitter: @womanontheroad

“Dammit, Jim,  I’m a Tourist,  Not a Local!”by Ren Robles So Not Lost! Twitter: @hyperren

Finnish’ed by Finland? by Derek Owen

A New Perspective  on Botswana by Sandy Salle Hills of Africa, Twitter: @HillsofArica

Turkish  Delight by Rahim Ismail The Funk StopTwitter @funkstop

Solo Road Trip:  one man, one Miata, one big country by Michael Smith

I was inspired by all of these stories. I hope you'll have a read and be inspired as well. They certainly offer ideas for new solo adventures.

Here's a link to the eBook download page.

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