Careers without Borders

by Sicily Kolbeck / Oct 08, 2013 / 0 comments

There are many paths to take to find a career that can combine travel and work. The first thing that springs to mind is travel blogging. I decided to go off the beaten path, and explore some careers that are less popular, but are still very adventurous.


The first career option I have an interest in is Doctors without Borders. They are a French company, founded in 1971. DwB is committed to quality medical care to people in crisis, regardless of race, religion, or political views. DwB is neutral. Whenever they send teams overseas during conflict, they do not take sides. DwB sends teams reacting to not only warfare, but natural disasters and anywhere else they are needed. They simply provide medical care to those in need. There are 19 offices around the world, including one in the U.S.A. On any given day there are 22,000 doctors and nurses working worldwide! Don’t be fooled, though. Doctors without Borders is in need of anybody that is qualified to help in the field. Doctors without Borders will provide staff with round trip air fare from home to mission, accommodation in NYC/Europe during briefing/debriefing, monthly salary of approx. $1498, full medical insurance, accommodation in the field, and per diem on mission in local currency. Even those that aren’t doctors can be of assistance. Logistic experts, administrators, laboratory technicians, and even office workers can be helpful!


Doctors without Borders

A MSF health worker examines a malnourished child. Medecins Sans Frontieres Spain (MSF, Doctors Without Borders) – an independent, humanitarian medical aid organisation – has opened an emergency health centre at the Dolo Ado camp and has been given permission to screen all children for malnutrition on arrival. Almost 50% of children arriving recently have been found to be suffering from acute malnutrition. Photo courtesy and copyright: Cate Turton / Department for International Development


Another career I have a keen interest in is an overseas news correspondent. These intrepid reporters go into the line of battle, visit orphanages, and stand in the middle of floods to get a story five minutes long. That is dedication. They are not afraid to get dirty and be in unsafe situations to get an understanding of a place. These men and women travel all over the world, experiencing many different cultures along the way. They are the first to know when disaster strikes, and just an hour later are reporting it live. Let us not forget the most appealing reason to be a news correspondent, though… You get to be on TV!


In all seriousness, both of these jobs have the capabilities to change not only people’s lives, but the world. Doctors without Borders delivers premium medical care to those that may not normally have access to it. News correspondents tell the world about what is really going on in places they would not normally pay attention, and inform the public what can be done about it.  Each career has the two things I would love to strive for in any work situation: international travel and striving toward making the world a better place. The only problem is choosing which to pursue!





Sicily Kolbeck is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program




