To add to the College Programming Series, we are doing interviews with people who have completed internships and cooperative education (co-ops). Let’s first talk about the difference between an internship and a co-op.
Buon Giorno! To continue with our College Programming Series, we are featuring Andrea Aloe, who studied in Florence and Siena, Italy! Andrea is one of our participants who studied abroad specifically to learn the Italian language.
As part of our College Programming Series, we are continuing to interview students as well as faculty who have participated in different kinds of college programs.
In the College Programming Series, we’ve featured athletics, Greek Life, first-generation programs and study abroad. We had a series in October around faculty-led studying abroad.
The College Programming Series is a diverse list of articles and interviews that talk about college programs, offices/departments, and services that are provided to students at both public, private, and community colleges in the U.S. and abroad.
As part of our College Programming Series, we are featuring Greek Life opportunities, too. There are so many different Greek Life organizations on thousands of college campuses all over the world. Today, we are featuring Ms.
For many students who are going off to college, they are the first in their families to attend higher education. They are dubbed first-generation, for being the first in the family to obtain an education. They also may or may not have had much academic preparation or guidance prior to attending college, and often feel lost in the process.
This month, we are continuing our college programming series and this month specifically, we’ll be featuring athletes and students who were in a fraternity or sorority in college. Getting involved on a college campus plays a direct role in the rate of retention of students.
This month we have featured several students who participated in faculty-led study abroad programs to hear their perspectives of their experiences. Today, we are featuring a professor from the College of Charleston, Dr.