Lillie Forteau's blog

Read This: The Light She Feels Inside

by Lillie Forteau /
Lillie Forteau's picture
Jun 04, 2024 / 0 comments

I was so excited to have this new and diverse children’s book to review: The Light She Feels Inside by Gwendolyn Wallace.  

Read This: The Light She Feels Inside

I hadn’t grown up seeing myself in books—and I always felt that absence so deeply, it hurt sometimes. I have never found something that resonated with my inner child so much as this book. 

Travel your home: How to experience your city in a new light

by Lillie Forteau /
Lillie Forteau's picture
Jan 22, 2024 / 0 comments

A man at the front desk of a hotel we were checking in at was making light conversation. I don't remember what my mother asked, but I remember he responded with, “traveling to the place you live will change your view of your home.”

He then told his story of how he gets to know his new hometown, to get a hotel and look up the sights to see. 

Travel your home: How to experience your city in a new light

The Beauty of Traveling in Games 2023

by Lillie Forteau /
Lillie Forteau's picture
Nov 28, 2023 / 0 comments

2023 has been an amazing year for gaming, with the release of two of some of the most favorite games of the decade, Baldur's Gate 3, and the long-anticipated sequel to Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. There have been many other beautiful games released this year, but these are getting by far the most praise—and for good reason. 

A Cozy Place to Stay in Stratford, Ontario

by Lillie Forteau /
Lillie Forteau's picture
Jan 28, 2020 / 0 comments

Looking for accomodations in Stratford, Ontario? A Patch of Heaven B&B is a cute, cozy place to stay. Just blocks from the city's downtown, it is still quiet and warm, like the suburbs. It was the perfect homebase for our multigenerational trip to one of our favorite towns.

A Cozy Place to Stay in Stratford, Ontario

Lillie Cosplays: Sharing Cosplay Culture at PechaKucha Kalamazoo

by Lillie Forteau /
Lillie Forteau's picture
Apr 30, 2018 / 0 comments

On Thursday, April 26th, 2018, I spoke at one of my favorite places, talking about one of my favorite things, in my favorite thing. It was truly amazing - I cannot say that enough. I thank the good amount of sugar in my bloodstream that day for helping me get through it, thank you Canada dry ginger ale. 

Lillie Cosplays: Sharing Cosplay Culture at PechaKucha Kalamazoo

Artist of the Month: Kaylon Khorsheed

by Lillie Forteau /
Lillie Forteau's picture
Feb 01, 2018 / 0 comments

I cannot express how excited I am to present my art teacher, Kaylon Khorsheed, as our featured Artist of the Month. She has challenged me in ways that I didn't know I needed; she works through problems with my ceramics even when I am frustrated with a piece - and not just to talk me out of putting it in the slop bin. She makes sure to spend time with everyone in the class, helping them with their goals and projects.

Artist of the Month: Kyle Hagey

by Lillie Forteau /
Lillie Forteau's picture
Dec 30, 2017 / 0 comments

While perusing Grand Rapids Comic Con's artist gallery for the fifth time, we found ourselves looking at one place in particular. His work stood out to me, not only because of the smiling crowd gathered around the joyful booth, but also because of the extreme detail of each work, which pulls you in, wanting to see every little thing hand-crafted by artist Kyle Hagey.

Book Review: Bella's Vietnam Adventure

by Lillie Forteau /
Lillie Forteau's picture
Jan 20, 2012 / 0 comments

Author Stacey Zolt Hara has written a series of books, about travel in Asia with a cute young girl named Bella. In Bella's Vietnam Adventure, Bella and her family travel to Vietnam.


Did you know that there are so many motorbikes in Hanoi that it is difficult to cross the street? There are also a TON of stores - a whole section of stores just for selling shoes! Bella and her family exlore Vietnam, take a cyclo (a bike pedicab), get clothes made, play on the beach, and see the sights of Hanoi, Danang, and Hoi An.

Book Review: Bella's Chinese New Year

by Lillie Forteau /
Lillie Forteau's picture
Jan 20, 2012 / 0 comments

Book Review - Bella's Chinese New Year is a picture book by Singapore resident Stacey Zolt Hara, illustrated by Steve Pileggi. It's the story of a young girl named Bella, and her adventures during Chinese New Year in Singapore. Bella is adorable - a huge smile, big curly hair, and fun glasses. Bella stars in a series of books, and a website, called Travel with Bella.


Behind the Scenes with Travel with Bella

by Lillie Forteau /
Lillie Forteau's picture
Jan 19, 2012 / 0 comments

Recently we received two really great picture books that show life in Asia. Written by Stacey Zolt Hara, the series is called Travel with Bella.

