Scotland's Open Doors Days in September

by Lexa Pennington /
Lexa Pennington's picture
Aug 09, 2008 / 0 comments

Heading to Scotland? Here's a great deal for you!

Doors Open Days is a program that gives you free access to extraordinary buildings across Scotland.  Every weekend in September, you may explore places that are normally closed to the public!  Some of these buildings open once a year - some just once a lifetime!

Here are some sample Open Doors...

September 7, 2008

Auchinleck House, in Ayrshire.  BUilt in 1769 by Lord Auchinleck, this house was inherited by his son James Boswell, the biographer of Dr. I. Johnson. This house is a great example of an 18th century classical villa.

September 13 & 14, 2008
Carronglen House will be open in Falkirk. This house was built in 1863 as the private residence of mill ownder Andrew Duncan. Most recently used as the offices of the Carrongrove Papermil, this is a final chance to see this opulent mid-Victorian villa before the building is redeveloped into apartments.

September 21, 2008
In East Fife and St. Andrews, there will be several guided walks - Crail, Newport-on-Tay, and Collessie, as well as other tours of historic buildings in the area.

Throughout September
In Orkney, there will be a variety of walks and talks, including an illustrated talk by historian Geoffery Stell, who tells the story of how Orkney's coastal defences played a key part in national defences. From WWI to WWII, Orkney has played an important role!

This is just a small sampling of the great events during the month of September, 2008. For more information on the Doors Open Days, please see:
