An Extraordinary Travel Resource: The Vacation Gals
If you're a parent, you've been there - thinking about what to pack, where to go, and where your kids will enjoy your travels the most. It also helps when you've got a team of experts to assist you in these endeavors. The Vacation Gals is an extraordinary resource for family travels. They've got great recommendations for restaurants, top things to do in various cities, and the expertise of being travel writers - AND experiencing all of these things, with their families.
We were lucky enough to sit down and talk with two-thirds of the Vacation Gals, Jennifer Miner and Beth Blair, about their site, top tips for traveling with kids, and more. Here's what they had to say...
WE: Please tell us about the Vacation Gals...
BB: We, The Vacation Gals, are three travel writers, and moms, who love to share our travel experiences and tips on family trips, girlfriend getaways and romantic escapes. We also cover travel gear, travel news and provide helpful travel tips. In addition to our blog, we write columns for and Homewood Suites
WE: What was the genesis of The Vacation Gals?
BB: The three of us have worked on previous projects together. We decided that combining our various travel experiences via a blog geared toward women would be helpful for others planning their next vacations. While we are moms, we know that one day we will have an empty nest but will still be traveling, thus the name “gals.” In the meantime, each of us are relishing the time we spend with our children.
WE: Who are your vacation moms?
BB: Beth Blair (TwinCitiesGal) lives in Minnesota with her husband and two young children. Before indulging in her freelance travel writing career she worked as a flight attendant.
Jennifer Miner (SoCalGal) lives in Southern California, after spending most of her years on the East Coast. She is married and has two daughters. She specializes in luxury travel and has an extensive background in psychology and counseling.
Kara Williams (ColoradoGal) lives in the Colorado Rockies with her husband and two young children. She has been employed as a newspaper reporter, magazine editor and corporate copyeditor over her 19-year editorial career.
WE: What can readers find on your site?
BB: We tend to write about our firsthand experiences including destinations, attractions, resorts, hotels, tips and adventures such as skydiving, bobsledding, ziplining and helicopter glacier landings. Most of our content focuses on North America, Mexico and the Caribbean. This summer all three of us have had the opportunity to take an Alaskan cruise on three different carriers. It’s fun comparing our experiences. We’re always looking forward to our next adventure.
WE: What are your top travel tips for actually traveling with kids?
JM: Well, the ages of the kids is very relevant here. Toddlers have different needs than older children, of course, and smart parents plan accordingly. One solid air travel tip that I strongly recommend is to try to arrange for nonstop flights whenever possible. The air pressure changes are hard on little ears, and it gets worse with each takeoff and landing. Also, little children have a harder time managing the boredom of all-day travel; it's okay to let them watch movies on your laptop or portable DVD player to their ears' content! My older kids aren't allowed to play their handheld video games much at home -- but on a long haul flight, those Nintendo DS games are a real treat!
Now, that's just one element of transportation; The Vacation Gals have other tips for cruises and road trips with kids on our site. The actual vacation destination should be at least moderately child-friendly as well. Kids actually enjoy being active participants in planning family vacations, and I've found that it doesn't have to be "all theme parks, all the time" at all. Not even close! Children are naturally curious, so take advantage of that while they're young. It's great to explore new places with your family; while it's true that my kids had fun at both Disney theme parks, their more cherished vacation memories involve snorkeling in Maui and a soft adventure that involved kayaking and hiking to a waterfall in Kauai.
Tidepool in Maui
WE: Do you have any tips on preparing kids for travel?
JM: Again, this is age-dependent. Kids that have traveled before will know what to expect. Even if children haven't experienced traveling out of their home state yet, they can be prepared via a few simple, quiet discussions while looking at a map. Images of the new place they're going to are helpful, as is (if possible) an introduction to the cuisine they will encounter there. Building up excitement for the trip is important -- kids pick up on their parents' moods so easily, and excitement is contagious. Younger children should be allowed to pack one or two small things that, while not necessary for the trip, are special to them (like a stuffed animal or favorite book). Opening their eyes to brand new experiences is wonderful, and it's comforting to know that those familiar objects are nearby as well.
Jen Miner - family vacation in Kauai
WE: How do you suggest families give back, while traveling?
JM: Many places that we consider vacation destinations depend on tourism as a sizable chunk of the local economy. On the other hand, the travel industry does leave its mark on a place. Whether it's a large hotel where a pristine forest once stood, or the increased level of garbage and waste that washes up on shorelines, we can't ignore the sometimes negative affects of travel. Local visitors' bureaus may list dates and times for volunteers to participate in beach clean ups, food drives, even animal sanctuaries and more. Some people thrive on volunteer travel, but working a small bit of it into a family vacation is terrific, too. It helps a local community, and also helps our kids develop a generous point of view.
WE: Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?
JM: Sure! The Vacation Gals are part of a new question-and-answer travel site called Best Family Travel Advice. Here, readers with travel planning questions can ask away, and expect an answer from a real family travel expert. It's just a couple months old, but we're very excited. Best Family Travel Advice has an amazing panel of expert travel bloggers as content partners. Hope your readers check it out!
WE: Thanks so much, Beth and Jen! We highly recommend your site to our readers.
All photos courtesy and copyright Jen Miner
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