Artist of the Month: Manny Martins-Karman

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Aug 01, 2016 / 0 comments

Just look at our artist of the month this month – she exudes joy, both in writing and in her art. Born in 1963 in Faro, Portugal, Manuela Martins-Karman (Manny) is honing her skills as a visual artist in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Manny graduated from Red River Community College, where she majored in Graphic Design and minored in life drawing. There, she developed her acute attention to form and spatial analysis. She was influenced by Franz Kline, Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock, and others from the abstract impressionism art movement. Her paintings are layered bursts of energy that record experience. Manny blends nature in the here and now with memories or past experiences. Shape, form, and line fall into a sea of emotion. Manny’s work can be found in public and private art collections. She currently lives and works in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Artist of the Month: Manny Martins-Karman

How long have you been an artist?
I have been an artist all my life. It's only recently that I've had the courage to share it with the world. For the past 3 years, I have been represented by Grolle Fine Art.

Untitled. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
Untitled 36x42 - Acrylic on canvas
Black white yellow 1 22x30 - Acrylic on paper.  Artist Manny Martins-Karman
Black white yellow 1 22x30 - Acrylic on paper

Is your art your full-time career?  Where do you work? How long have you been there?
I had a successful Graphic design career for 15 years before my biological clock decided it was time to have children! After my first was born, I decided to freelance from home to raise my kids…that's 17 years!! Phew how time flies. I am happiest when I’m being creative on a daily basis, whether it's painting or graphic design (which is how I pay the bills). If I’m not doing graphic design, I’m painting!

blue orange 2 - 22x30 - Acrylic on paper.  Artist Manny Martins-Karman
blue orange 2 - 22x30 - Acrylic on paper
blue orange 3 - 22x30 Acrylic on paper.  Artist Manny Martins-Karman
blue orange 3 - 22x30 Acrylic on paper
blue yellow 1 - 22x30 Acrylic on paper. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
blue yellow 1 - 22x30 Acrylic on paper

Do you have favorite places you like to create?
OUTSIDE! I love the sun and when I can create outside, it's magical. For us here in Winnipeg, that means only a few months out of the year. If it's not 4 feet of snow, it's the dang mosquitos, so our seasons are quite short. I’m Canadian, after all! I was born in Portugal; my love for the sun and sea are will always be a part of me.

Crossroads 37x37 - Acrylic on canvas – framed. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
Crossroads 37x37 - Acrylic on canvas – framed
Untitled 36x48. Artist Manny Martins-Karm
Untitled 36x48

What does a typical day look like? Is there a typical day?
There isn't a typical day, although everyday starts with COFFEE! I like when the day presents itself and I can make experiences as the day unfolds.

Blue Like Jazz 44x44 - Acrylic and resin on wood. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
Blue Like Jazz 44x44 - Acrylic and resin on wood
Casual Friday diptyck 24x36 - Bleach on recycled denim. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
Casual Friday diptyck 24x36 - Bleach on recycled denim

What materials do you prefer?
Acrylic on canvas - BIG canvases. That being said, I love to experiment. The last show I had, On The Fly - The Denim Series, is a perfect example of that. Inspired by fashion (another creative outlet, self-declared fashionista), I created a series on raw and recycled denim.  This year, Fashion Week blew up with denim in every shape and form. PRE-SHRUNK, CUT OFFS, WIDE-LEG, FLOODS, DISTRESSED, SHREDDED, WORN, TORN, and CLASSIC! As one of the chicest, most versatile fabrics out there, I am always finding new ways to use it in my everyday life. Denim has been a part of our lives for over 140 years, and it is more popular to global culture and style than ever before. It's a cultural icon that transcends all ages and genders. Denim is relatable, familiar, and accessible. This inspired me to create this series of Denim as ART! Instead of paint, I used a cornstarch and bleach mixture to create fluid abstract canvases.

BLUE MOOD #1 57X35 - Bleach on raw denim. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
BLUE MOOD #1 57X35 - Bleach on raw denim
INTO THE BLUE 30X32 - Bleach on raw denim. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
INTO THE BLUE 30X32 - Bleach on raw denim
BLUE PRAIRIE #2 39X30 - Bleach on denim. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
BLUE PRAIRIE #2 39X30 - Bleach on denim
BLUE GAZE 30X49 - Bleach on denim
BLUE GAZE 30X49 - Bleach on denim

Where/How are you inspired?
Everyday life inspires me! Recently I was sitting in the back yard (with a cup of coffee) with my eyes closed and face up to the sun! The amazing colors - orange, red, yellow, and shapes that presenedt themselves in the back of my eyelids were inspiring. I love the feeling of the warmth of the sun on my face, cooled by a gentle breeze and the taste of the first cup of coffee in the morning. Ahhhh - I’m going to create a series around this! Maybe I'll call it "Jessie's series" LOL. [Publisher’s note: LOVE!]

Flowers for Mom #4 9x12 - Japanese Ink on Yupo paper. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
Flowers for Mom #4 9x12 - Japanese Ink on Yupo paper
Flowers for Mom#3 9x12 - Japanese Ink on Yupo paper. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
Flowers for Mom#3 9x12 - Japanese Ink on Yupo paper

How do you know when your piece is done?
I get asked that a lot, being an abstract artist. The piece tells me when it's done. I have had times when I am unsure whether or not it's finished, so I leave it overnight and the next morning - bam! 

Flowers for Mom #1 19x12 - Japanese Ink on Yupo paper.  Artist Manny Martins-Karman
Flowers for Mom #1 19x12 - Japanese Ink on Yupo paper
Reflection. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
Reflection #7

Do you work on one or more pieces at a time?
YES! I’m very impatient, so I like to keep moving and working. I could have as many as 10 pieces on the go, depending on the size.

Into the Blue 57X44 - Bleach on denim. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
Into the Blue 57X44 - Bleach on denim
Reflection #6. Artist Manny Martins-Karman

Reflection #6

If you were not a painter what would you do?
Lie down and die ;P

Quintal 40x40 - Acrylic on canvas. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
Quintal 40x40 - Acrylic on canvas
Reaching Out 42x49 - Acrylic on canvas. Artist Manny Martins-Karman
Reaching Out 42x49 - Acrylic on canvas

How can our readers find and purchase your art?
Grolle Fine Art Studio 24, Main Floor
Fort Garry Place, 81 Garry Street, Winnipeg  MB R3C 4J9
Canada  1-204-691-6112

Contacting me directly at 204-771-5650, manny.k[at] 
I’m also online at:

Reflection #4. Artist Manny Martins-Karman

Reflection #4

Would you like to share anything else with us?
If you ask me what I am here to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you:
I am here to live out loud!

 Artist Manny Martins-Karman


All photos courtesy and copyright Manny Martins-Karman




