Studying Abroad in London: Sharing Your Experience

by Heather Robinette /
Heather Robinette's picture
Feb 11, 2019 / 0 comments

If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, last month I wrote about capturing your study abroad experience. Now, I’m going to discuss some ways you can share your experience. Hopefully this helps give you some ideas. The biggest thing is sharing your experience where it makes sense for you. 

Studying Abroad in London: Sharing Your Experience

Social Media 

Social media is probably the most obvious place to share your experience. From photos to your blog, everything can be shared on different platforms of social media. Below is a list of some options to consider. If you aren’t currently on a platform, I would encourage you to do your research and think about how you would use it before you decide to set up a profile and take the time to get it started. If it isn’t a right fit, don’t waste your time. These are all great ways to share your experience with family, friends, and anyone looking for more information about studying abroad. 

• Facebook
• Twitter
• Instagram 
• Tumblr 
• SnapChat 
• LinkedIn
• YouTube
• Flickr

I’m sure I’m missing a few, but hopefully this gets you started. 

Something else I want to touch on are hashtags. This a great tool to help aggregate content. Many platforms offer some type of system to help you categorize your content. If you aren’t sure what to use, I would suggest typing in some hashtags you think are relevant and see what comes up. That way, you know how your content would be aggregated and who is most likely to find it. There are plenty of study abroad hashtags, so a word of warning to also not get carried away. Every platform is different, but try to keep it to a reasonable amount of 5 or less. 

Your School

While this one seems obvious, a lot of times students don’t think about their school. That said, this can also range, as well. With schools being more involved on social media, they also like to share stories about their students. It is also a great talking point they can share with alumni. Additionally, sharing your experience with the Study Abroad Office (if your school has one) can be a great place to start. From sharing your experience to asking you to speak to a current student who is considering a similar study abroad program, they might be able to use your experience more than you think. The last one is any student groups you’re involved with at school. Similar to schools, it is always great for student groups to be able to share what their members are doing. 

Program Provider (if applicable) 

If you’re like me, I studied abroad with Academic Programs International (API) and have been able to share content that has gone on to help other students. Once you return, make sure to reach out to your program provider and see if you can share your story or if there is content you can help create, depending on what you are wanting to do. 

Travel Websites 

There are several top travel websites out there and if you’re interested in sharing more about your experience, you can reach out to them to see if you can help out. Through API, I was able to connect with Wandering Educators and I’ve been able to write monthly blog posts about studying abroad in London for the past few years. I am very passionate about studying abroad and enjoy writing, so it makes sense for me. This may not make sense for you, but if you are interested, I would encourage you to reach out. This site, Wandering Educators, loves to share study abroad experiences. Email jessie at to participate in the #StudyAbroadBecause email interview series!

Hopefully these sources have been helpful to get you thinking about where you want to share your experience. Regardless of what you pick, I hope you’ll find avenues that work for you. Everyone has unique experiences, and you never know what impact your experience can have on someone else. Make sure to share your experience! 


Heather Robinette is the London Study Abroad Editor for Wandering Educators. She notes, "During the summer of 2011, I studied abroad for six weeks in London at the University of Westminster with Academics Programs International. I graduated from Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS in December 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. I currently work as a marketing analyst for a small company in central Texas. I recently finished my MBA. While I was abroad in London, I was able to create many unforgettable memories that I will never forget! My study abroad experience helped me gain various skills, but above all else, it helped me to learn more about myself and the world around me." You can find her online at

Click here to read more of Heather's articles about studying abroad in London.






