
4 Italian Cities by Plain and Train

by curtissmith003 / Mar 26, 2013 / 0 comments

Terri Weeks's picture

Which Four Presidents Call Cincinnati Home?

Ohio is nicknamed “The Mother of Presidents” because eight of 44 presidents were from Ohio. They are William Henry Harrison, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, William Howard Taft, and Warren B. Harding. Of those eight, four of them were from Greater Cincinnati. 

Pakistan – The Land of Mountains

by Tayyab Mir / Jan 25, 2013 / 0 comments

Pakistan’s North is a most spectacular and fascinating region. Here, world's three famous mountain ranges meet - the Himalayas, the Karakorams and the Hindukush. The whole Northern Pakistan is like a paradise for mountaineers, climbers, trekkers, hikers, and anglers.

K-2 or Chogori (8,611 m) World's 2nd Highest Peak in is Pakistan

Wedged Between the Tectonic Plates: Snorkeling Under the Midnight Sun

by Austin Weihmiller /
Austin Weihmiller's picture
Jan 13, 2013 / 0 comments

It’s cold. Painfully cold. So cold, I begin to question the logic behind my thrill seeking madness. It’s these sort of crazy people that end up on the news, right? The headlines screaming American Found Frozen Between Tectonic Plates, Iceland. The water is only up to my ankles, and already, a string of eclectic language has escaped my lips. It’s now or never, though. The frozen body of a Hawaii teen was located in the chilly waters of Iceland… I double-check that my mask is on tight, dry suit valves are locked and closed.

jessicajhill's picture

China’s One-Child Policy From My Students with Siblings

China has too many people. It’s no secret.

The Beginners Booklet of Bargains: How to Haggle in China

by adriscoll /
adriscoll's picture
Dec 27, 2012 / 0 comments

The Beginners Booklet of Bargains

How to Haggle in China

Part 1: How to Haggle in China

A Teen’s Top Ten Things to do in Montenegro

by Anders Bruihler / Dec 16, 2012 / 0 comments

During the three years I lived in Montenegro, I discovered great places and activities in this hidden Mediterranean country.  I’ve compiled the top ten things to do, from my teen perspective.  This list includes skiing in the mountains, climbing a castle on the coast, ascending to the top of a mountain, and zipping along a ropes course.  Most of these things I did several times, and all of them were very fun.  I hope you enjoy my top ten!

Road to Hana

by beccatran / Dec 13, 2012 / 0 comments

For adventurous people that enjoy the outdoors, you are going to love the Road to Hana, Hawaii.

jessicajhill's picture

Teaching English in Thailand: A Rewarding Challenge

Teaching, in any sense of the profession, is not all apples and chocolate. It’s hard work. It doesn’t matter what subject or age you teach, or which country you teach in, it’s inevitable that your job will have negatives to go along with the positives.

An Underwater World of Wonders

by EdventureGirl /
EdventureGirl's picture
Nov 03, 2012 / 0 comments

The dry sand crunches under my feet as I walk across the beach. Little crabs skitter out of the way, racing amongst the scattered fragments of coral and seashells long abandoned to flip into the sea. For once, the ocean is calm. There’s not a ripple to be seen, as far as the horizon. A glassy mirror, the water reflects the cerulean sky above. Besides the wind dancing through the trees and my bare feet softly padding over the sand, a blanket of peaceful silence has settled over the beach.
