
Through the Eyes of an Educator: Seeking Joy

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Mar 03, 2025 / 0 comments

“We need joy as we need air. We need love as we need water. We need each other as we need the earth we share.” - Maya Angelou 

Through the Eyes of an Educator: When the going gets tough

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Feb 03, 2025 / 0 comments

“Hope is the boldest act of imagination I know” - Edith Eger

As a new month unfolds, we get the chance to begin again. 

Through the Eyes of an Educator: When the going gets tough

Jaime Macdonald's picture

The Seven Grandfather Teachings & Using Them In Your Personal Life

There are seven sacred teachings in the indigenous culture that relate to common morals, but it is connected to the medicine wheel: a four-direction circle that consists of four colours, black, white, yellow, and red. The medicine wheel is separated into these four directions, and each direction represents the spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual ways of life. 

Through the Eyes of an Educator: September (A Beginner’s Mind)

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Sep 09, 2024 / 0 comments

It’s September. While it may be the 9th month of the year, for many, this time of year holds significant meaning. In the northern hemisphere, it’s the closing weeks of summer and the month of the autumnal equinox, the last days of regular baseball season and the opening ones of American football games. It’s a time when pumpkin spice and apple picking show up on social media timelines, yet we hold fast our flip flop days, and we’re full steam ahead into school’s first term of a new year. 

Through the Eyes of an Educator: The In-Between

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Aug 05, 2024 / 0 comments

“Life is amazing. And then it's awful. And then it's amazing again. And in between the amazing and awful it's ordinary and mundane and routine. Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary. That's just living heartbreaking, soul-healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life. And it's breathtakingly beautiful.” ~ L.R. Knost

Through the Eyes of an Educator: The In-Between

Through the Eyes of an Educator: You vs. You

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
May 06, 2024 / 0 comments

It’s that time of year again. In the northern hemisphere, we’re in the sprung part of spring and students across the board can see the end in sight. University students are on their home stretch to finals, educators who’ve taught forever are preparing their retirement parties, and the ‘what will I do after graduation’ decision is upon us. 

Through the Eyes of an Educator: The Long Game

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Apr 09, 2024 / 0 comments


“Stay the course. When thwarted try again: harder: smarter. Persevere relentlessly.” - John Wooden

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Bridges, Change, and Transitions

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Mar 04, 2024 / 0 comments

I went to university in Boston. Driving from New York meant going over at least one giant bridge. Each time I hit that bridge, I’d notice something shift. My fingers clenched, my shoulders tightened, I hugged the divider, and focused hard on following those in front of me in order to make it to the other side. A few minutes after crossing, the color returned to my fingers and my whole body exhaled. Regardless of the season, state of the roads, or precipitation from the sky, crossing that bridge was often the most nerve-wracking part of that drive. 

Through the Eyes of an Educator: To Thrive

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Jan 03, 2024 / 0 comments

A new month, a new year, a new chance to write your story. 

How do you greet the new year? 

Through the Eyes of an Educator: To Thrive

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Shine Your Light

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Dec 04, 2023 / 0 comments


“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” - Edith Wharton

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Shine Your Light

