
Read This! Literary Journeys: Mapping Fictional Travels Across the World of Literature

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Sep 10, 2024 / 0 comments

From our very youngest age, books are windows to the world. Perhaps it started for us in a small room with a fireplace, staring out at the beautiful moon...or hopping fences to explore a garden (and enjoy a meal). Then came funky Suessian lands, perhaps a wardrobe, flying to a pirate-infested island, or leaving the coziest home ever to go on an adventure. In our family, the entire Odyssey was narrated to our daughter while swimming every day in our lake (started when she was 4, this lasted years, seemingly as long as his journey. But I digress). 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: The Sea Hides a Seahorse

If you're like me, you absolutely ADORE seahorses. From their quirky shape to their unique parenting to their ability to hide within plain sight, they are one of my favorite creatures. I was so very pleased to read a new book ENTIRELY about seahorses by author Sara T. Behrman and illustrated by Melanie Mikecz: The Sea Hides a Seahorse. It is packed full of beauty, knowledge, and creativity. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Childhood Classics: 100 Years of Children's Book Illustrations Opens at Naples Art Institute

Naples Art Institute is thrilled to announce the opening of "Childhood Classics: 100 Years of Children's Book Illustrations" on May 11, 2024. This exhibition celebrates children's literature's rich history and enduring impact by showcasing the illustrations and illustrators behind beloved stories.

Childhood Classics: 100 Years of Children's Book Illustrations Opens at Naples Art Institute

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This Hilarious Middle Reader Book: Matt Sprouts And The Curse Of The Ten Broken Toes

I'm so excited to share an extraordinary, hilarious new book...and an interview with the author! Matt Sprouts And The Curse Of The Ten Broken Toes, written by educator and master storyteller Matt Eicheldinger, is SUCH a joy to read. 

 Matt Sprouts And The Curse Of The Ten Broken Toes

Downing Waugh's picture

Please don’t sugarcoat history

The desire a parent feels to protect their child is instinctive, consuming, and, sometimes, misguided.

Lillie Forteau's picture

Lillie’s Loved Books for November-December

Recently, I was inspired to read again. I haven’t sat down and read a truly inspiring, breathtaking book in over a year. I listen to audiobooks for the most part, and then reread the physical copy! I read four amazing books this November and December; I’d love to give mini reviews for all of them.

Lillie’s Loved Books for November-December

Lexa Pennington's picture

Starting From The Cradle, Consistency Is The Key To Creating A Lifelong Love Of Literature

Reading is a pastime now hundreds of years old, and it has firmly cemented its place as one of the most all-round beneficial hobbies to have. Research profiled by the Reader’s Digest shows how reading can make you happy and enhance cognitive ability, but make you live longer, too—people who read for just 30 minutes a day lived up to 2 years longer than their peers. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: There’s an N on Your Nose

One of the very best things about reading is starting. Whether it’s with your own kids, your classroom, or kids you know and love, watching them make connections and learn is magical. You might choose to read to them with books you’ve known and loved for years, or embark with new discoveries. 

Read This: There’s an N on Your Nose

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

A Must-Read Children's Book: Onyx Says: What If I Try?

I recently discovered an incredible and important new book series by writer Lisa Sterne, called Onyx Says. The series is designed to help children develop coping skills while creating themselves. The first book, What If I Try, gave me goosebumps when I first read it, and I teared up to think of the powerful way that Onyx helps kids help themselves. It's an excellent and fun read, both inspiring and full of joy. Highly recommended! 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read this: Living a Big Life in Patricia Leavy’s Candy Floss Collection

Want to read about living a big life? One that is honest, searching, and includes relatable characters? One of our favorite authors, Patricia Leavy, is back with a collection of 3 novels, re-released in her new book, Candy Floss Collection. We love–and highly recommend–it!

Read this: Living a Big Life in Patricia Leavy’s Candy Floss Collection

