
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Working Class Coffee: Extraordinary Coffee, Outstanding Ethos


Coffee is so much more than a magnificent beverage—it’s a labor of love. From the farmers that grow the beans to the roasters that craft the deliciousness, the entire process is one to be cherished (and the results, enjoyed!).

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

The To-Go Genius of Steeped Coffee...and 6 Decadent Iced Coffee Recipes

Want a portable coffee that is easy to use, wherever you are in the world? We recently tried Steeped Coffee, which comes in tea bags and is easy to use...and you only have to wait 5 minutes for your coffee to be done! It's SO easy that we enjoyed it up north, with fresh rhubarb pie (delish).

The To-Go Genius of Steeped Coffee...and 6 Decadent Iced Coffee Recipes

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Your Summer Goodness: Delicious Fire Dept. Coffee To The Rescue

Looking for your summer trifecta of delightful coffee drinks? Well, one of our favorite roasters, Fire Dept. Coffee (read our interview with them here, to learn the backstory of this great company!) has some tasty new roasts...and, in addition to their global coffee club, a new and VERY tasty spirit infused coffee club

Read This: Candace Rose Rardon on Stuff Every Coffee Lover Should Know…

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Apr 07, 2021 / 0 comments

This spring, Quirk Books published a book on my very favorite thing, by my very favorite writer. So imagine my happiness when I read Candace Rose Rardon's new book, Stuff Every Coffee Lover Should Know. Whether you're a coffee aficionado, or new to the game, this book is quite useful.

Ashley in Italy's picture

How to Make Italian Coffee with a Moka (Un Caffè Italiano)

What's the best part of waking up in Italy? A proper Italian caffè! This short film shows you how to use and clean for a Moka to make Italian coffee (caffè, macchiato, & cappuccino) at home.

How to make an Italian Coffee with a Moka


The Complete Guide to Stratford Coffee Shops

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Mar 09, 2020 / 0 comments

One of our favorite towns, Stratford, Ontario, is also a coffee shop lover’s dream. Why? Well, not only for the many options available, but also for the love and care each coffee shop puts into their brew. There are also 2 (!!!) roasters in the area (yay!).

We tasted them ALL on a recent visit (buzz, buzz), and have put together the complete guide to Stratford Coffee Shops. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Midwest Travel Experts On 50 Best Coffee Roasters You Need to Know


"Without my morning coffee I’m just like a dried up piece of roast goat." - Johann Sebastian Bach

Midwest Travel Experts On 50 Best Coffee Roasters You Need to Know

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

The Complete Guide to Kalamazoo Coffee Shops

Although Kalamazoo, Michigan is known as a craft beer town, it is also becoming known as a craft coffee town, to our great delight. We are lucky enough to have a slew of excellent coffee shops, creating artisanal, craft coffee drinks - think no chains (except one local), third wave coffee and small batch roasters. We have so many great options that it is hard to choose where to go! Don’t worry - we’ve got you covered.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Visiting Prague? Locals Share 8 Things Not to Miss

Whether you’re studying abroad in Europe or traveling for a shorter period of time, Prague is one of the cities you must visit. Why? It’s packed with culture, arts, history, and, of course, great food. And, as with any large city, there is too much to see and do.
Stephane Alexandre's picture

Mi Cafecito: A Coffee Tour for a Tea Lover

Our Intercultural Immersion Editor, Stephane Alexandre, recently was a guest with G Adventures for 16 days to Costa Rica! This is one of her trip reports – and on my favorite subject, coffee.

