
Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: Seasoned by an American (with Lenny Russo)

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

22.33 Stories: Season 01, Episode 20 - Seasoned by an American (with Lenny Russo)

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: The Food We Eat, Part 3

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

22.33 Stories: The Food We Eat, Part 3

Music's invitation to reflection, to connection, to peace

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jan 18, 2021 / 0 comments

Music for shifting times. Four years ago, when we chose the title for this series, we could not have known what lay in store. There is no need for me to rehearse those events for you, and in any case, you will see them as you choose. Several threads which I would encourage you to follow, though, and which run through the music we have been sharing with you over these years are respect, reflection, connection, integrity, and peace.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Breathe Into Love: Twinkle is Already the Must-Read Book of the Year

She's done it again!

One of our favorite writers, Patricia Leavy, has a new novel out that is, already, the must-read book of the year. Twinkle is a testament to the humanity in our lives—the joys of love, friendship, and laughter, as well as the challenges of trauma and life-changing events. I started reading it as a gift to myself in the new year, and wished that I had had it to hold in my heart during the last difficult year. 

Music for a Winter Afternoon

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Dec 21, 2020 / 0 comments

In the northern hemisphere, it is winter. Winter has many faces and facets. As you travel through winter, you may well experience all of them. I have always enjoyed winter's aspects of quiet and the season's call to reflection; you may experience this time of year differently. There are holidays and holy days of most faiths; there are secular celebrations; there is the turning of the year. This music will help with the journey.

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: Trash Truck Tunes & Hip Hop Grooves (with Lillygol Sedaghat)

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

22.33 Stories: Trash Truck Tunes & Hip Hop Grooves (with Lillygol Sedaghat)

Music for Autumn's Quiet

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Oct 22, 2020 / 0 comments

Autumn: it is a time of turning, a time of change, a time for reflection, a time for preparation. It is also a time for telling and hearing stories. The music here, and the stories told through it, will work in many situations and seasons. They are especially relevant to all the turns and changes and quiet reflection needed to navigate which come with autumn. Each of the pieces has to do with journeys of one sort or another, as well.

Music for honoring and nurturing connection

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Sep 21, 2020 / 0 comments

Connection: sharing ideas, sharing stories, sharing time with friends and family is a powerful and lasting aspect of life. Connection with acquaintances and people less well known also has its place in creating and sharing community.

In challenging and shifting times, honoring and nurturing connection, in whatever ways might be safe and available, are healing and grounding things to do.

Lila Yee's picture

The Sights and Sounds of the Yi Peng Lantern Festival

You arrive at dusk down a back alley where the tuk tuk dropped you off; the air is thick and hot. “Walk to the lights,” the driver says while waving goodbye. You feel a rush of excitement, knowing that you’ve finally arrived at this annual festival that takes place right in the heart of Chiang Mai, Thailand. 

Music: Intention and Invitation

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jul 23, 2020 / 0 comments

Shifting times: when we chose the name for this series, four years ago now, we did not know quite how many areas of life would be shifitng, and how continually and at what depths. There were already many important issues needing attention then. Now, there have been so many deep calls for attention in just the last four months at this writing, not to mention the last four years. Making one's way through all this with courage, grace, and impact requires focused intention. How to focus intention, and on what, will vary.
