ice cream

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

I scream for Ice Cream: 6 Scrumptious and Easy Milkshake Recipes

If you love ice cream (as I do), then you probably are always making up toppings and recipes in your head (as I do). Last weekend, Lillie and I had a huge container of ice cream to devour, courtesy of my mom and dad (thank you!). So, we decided to have a milkshake party. We came up with 6 scrumptious and easy milkshake recipes - some with a global flair, some with a Michigan bent (Sanders and Vernors are from Michigan!). 

Culinary Spelunker's picture

Thomas Jefferson: American President...and Ice Cream Maker?

What comes to mind when you think of Thomas Jefferson? Third president of the United States, check.

Principal author of the Declaration of Independence? Sure.

Founding Father of the American Nation? Without a doubt.

Developer of ice cream recipes? Well…maybe not.

Thomas Jefferson: American President...and Ice Cream Maker?

Road Trip 101: Ice Cream in Ohio

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Nov 06, 2011 / 0 comments

While driving, it's always good to stop and stretch. Now, if this stopping and stretching involves food, so much the better. On our last drive on I75 in Ohio, we stopped in the town of Findlay - we'd heard about a fantastic homemade ice cream and chocolates store. What's not to love?
