Europe for Visitors

by Bert Maxwell /
Bert Maxwell's picture
May 31, 2008 / 0 comments

If you're like me, you're addicted to travel sites (including wandering educators!). I am constantly searching for new sites, new writers, new information. One of the best sites I've found about Europe is run by some wandering educators, Durant and Cheryl Imboden, called I have happily spent hours delving into their site! They have hundreds of country and city guides, a variety of topics of interest, and tips galore.

I recently had a chance to sit down and interview Durant. Here's what he had to say:


WE: What is the history of your site?

DI: It started in 1996 as "The Baby Boomer's Venice," later became the Venice site at The Mining Co. (now, and grew into the Europe and
Switzerland/Austria sites at We parted ways with and
launched the site independently in October, 2001.


WE: Europe for Visitors is very impressive. Do you spend a lot of time doing
research, or depend on writers in the field?

DI: We travel in Europe for 8 to 10 weeks per year, on average, and our son
(who's been studying in Scotland and Germany) has also contributed to the


WE: What are your favorite places to visit, in Europe?

DI:  We're city people, so we tend to enjoy cities like Venice, Paris, Munich,
and Madrid. We're especially partial to Venice because it doesn't have cars
and is a good role model for us. (It's decaying gracefully, which we hope to
do in our old age.)


WE: Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?

DI: Europe is more affordable than a lot of people think it is, especially since
the major pleasures in so many cities consists of simply walking and
enjoying the sights and atmosphere. Another way to save is to stay in one
place long enough to rent a vacation apartment. Our "Dollar-Saving European
Travel Tips for Americans" article may be useful, and not just for

WE: Thank you, Durant, for this great introduction to your site! I am sure that our wandering educators will find as much helpful information in your site as I have.

To see Europe for Visitors, please check:


Durant and Cheryl Imboden



