Travel Tweeters - a Compendium

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Sep 29, 2009 / 5 comments

If you're reading this, you will have gotten an email from Beth or I, and you're interested in reading further. This is a private group, by invitation only. If it works well, we'll add others as we are able.


Using Twitter to Help Each Other

Most of us follow and are followed by thousands of other tweeple. While there is definitely some crossover amongst us, I think we’d all agree that a more deliberate approach to helping out our fellow travel tweeters would be a great thing.

Beth Whitman and I have talked for weeks now about how we could help out our fellow travel bloggers, and have come up with a great plan.

In an effort to create a community, @wanderingeds (Jessie) and @wanderluster (Beth) would love to have you participate in a group effort in which we tweet about and RT each other’s tweets in order to tap into the other thousands of folks not on our tweet-dar. (HA! I mean, tweet-HA!)

All you’d need to do is create a group in your twitter app of choice (Tweetdeck, Seismic, etc.) and then include all the folks from our group. When appropriate, please RT content from those in the group and they will do the same for you. YOU will need to be in charge of reading the group's tweets and RTing them. We can't send DMs every time that there's a new post by one of us (there are 30 in the group).


We won't ask you to ReTweet ReTweets - just original posts, please. 


If you’re interested, please email us at Jessie (at) WanderingEducators (dot) com and she will add you to this list below. Check back for the names as this list grows, so that you can add them to your group list.

By the way, we’ll only be including about 25 names on the list to begin with. This seems like a good number so that we aren’t feeling overwhelmed but that there’s plenty of activity given that we are spread around the world.  If this group effort works out well for us, we could open it up to a few more travel-tweeters.

THANKS!! Looking forward to working together.





























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