Good Things in Grand Rapids: Schuil Coffee

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Feb 20, 2014 / 0 comments

Love coffee? Want to find a fresh coffee roaster in Grand Rapids, Michigan? For, to be honest, there's nothing in the world like freshly roasted coffee. It's not only addictive, it's refreshing and just lovely.

Good Things in Grand Rapids: Schuil Coffee & Tea

If you want fresh-roasted coffee beans, there are only a few places to go in GR. My favorite? Schuil Coffee & Tea Shoppe, located on 29th street (just down the street from Russo's, if you're running errands in town like we do). The shop is cozy and warm, and the staff is very friendly. There are places to sit and read or work. The beverages are amazing (more on that in a minute). But the magic is in the nose...

When Schuil's is roasting their coffee? The whole area smells like coffee, for blocks and blocks - a wonderful, enticing smell. You would not expect the goodness that wafts from these brick walls.

Good Things in Grand Rapids: Schuil Coffee

One part of the shop is a whole wall of different kinds of coffee beans to choose from. When we visit, it's hard to choose which beans to stock up on. Never fear, it's easy to go back. Schuil's is now a 4th generation family business.

If you're in a hurry, you can get a cup of coffee (they have vacuum presses of several kinds, including decaf).

However, Schuil's also has a barista who can make you beverages, including ones you may be familiar with (espresso, lattes, etc.) but also some lovely new drinks to explore - try a Caramel Cloud (!) or an Iced Cappuccino.

The roaster is in the back, and the beans are roasted in small batches. All decaf beans are water processed. There are over 200 coffees roasted on site.

Here's a very cool and welcoming twist at Schuil's: you can keep your coffee cup there if you're a repeat visitor.

3679 29th Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512

Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Closed Sundays




All photos courtesy and copyright Tom Voigts (thanks, dad!)


