Travel Board Game: 10 Days in the USA

by Lillie Forteau /
Lillie Forteau's picture
Apr 14, 2009 / 3 comments

Travel Board Game: 10 Days in the USA

As global travelers, we are always looking for new ways to teach our daughter about the world.  It is always more successful when we have fun - or eat!  We recently received a cool new Travel Board Game, called 10 Days in the USA. Although it isn't as exotic as the previously reviewed 10 Days in Asia, it is a great deal of fun to explore the borders within our country.

Our six-year old daughter says, "This is a wonderful adventure to have! If you have kids, it is more fun than driving. I love learning, and this game makes it so much fun! There aren't trains in this game, but we do have cars. We call the cars 'Sophie' because the car in the game looks like my grampa's Fiat. I love that you get to learn about the States and it feels great when you recognize states and then learn the Capitals."

The Goal of this Travel Board Game

The objective of the game is to arrange a ten-day travel trip in the USA. The  game includes a game board, country and transportation cards, and a 10-day card holder for each person. The game board is a colorful and accurate map of the USA.  To win the game, you must strategize on both geography and transportation. You can travel via car, airplane, or on foot from country to country.  You win the game when you have successfully arranged a 10-day trip across the USA.

This game is a great deal of fun and effortlessly teaches US Geography and capitals.  Our daughter again has an unbroken winning streak. We have fun figuring out where we are headed, and also intersperse travel tidbits that we remember - favorite restaurants in each state, waterparks we've played at, where our friends and family live, and famous attractions.

If you're looking for a fun activity to play at home, with your friends and family, the travel board game 10 Days in the USA is both enjoyable and fun to add to, with our family memories and travel jokes.



10 days in the USA Travel Board Game


The company that created this travel board game, Out of the Box, notes that
this game is for ages 10-adult (although our 6-year old plays it and keeps
winning), it takes 2-4 players, and that each game takes 20-30 minutes.


For more information on this travel board game, including other customer
reviews and comments, and to purchase the game, please see:

Comments (3)

  • lisamann

    15 years 10 months ago

    10 days is not nearly enough, you must have to chose parts of the US? What a fun idea these games are.

  • Julie Royce

    15 years 10 months ago

    Great idea for the whole family and perfect to use when planning a trip.  Gives everyone a chance to offer suggestions as they develop their strategy and the winner's strategy can be incorporated into the actual trip. When you finally head off on the trip, the kids will have learned a bit about where they are going beforehand. 

  • nonameharbor

    12 years 11 months ago

    This does indeed look like fun.  I always hear my grandchildren saying, when they arrive, "We ran out of things to do!"

         "Take the adventure, heed the call, now ere the irrevocable moment passes!"

           ...The Wind In The Willows, Kenneth Grahame<

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